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Making time to be creative without the pressure of perfectionism is one of the kindest things you can do for your wellbeing.

Cutout Shapes

I started Cult Milk in 2015 as a way of putting on events to showcase female artists. It was all about creating a supportive non-judgemental space with incredible women.

This is me, Amy

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Cult Milk Founder

I started as an Illustrator, which I loved but found I missed the interaction with people - so I started Cult Milk! Originally from London I now reside beside the sea in Brighton with my dog Oscar and a mountain of art equipment. 

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Over the years Cult Milk has naturally evolved to be a person driven company where the focus is on inclusive creative workshops and community. Something I passionately love about my work is the array of different people I get to meet, though no matter how lovely and successful they are in their own field of work I often hear the phrase:
"I won't be any good at this because I'm not creative." 
There is a common misbelief that we learn at school - if you're not 'good' at drawing then you're not creative. Creativity can be found in everyone. We are born with a sense of exploration and play and it's my job to encourage people to rediscover that joy in themselves, regardless of their age.

This is why I offer creative workshops for all ages, genders and occasions. Tapping into your sense of creativity is so beneficial for your mental wellbeing and outlook on life - It's why I feel so passionately about practicing it in myself and helping others to find it in them.

We all need a little more play and creativity in our lives.


Oscar sometimes makes an appearance at the community workshops hosted by Cult Milk around Brighton and Hove. Regular craft goers remember him from a pup! He's a good boy but will definitely pester you for a treat...

Oscar the dog

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